Artificial intelligence – The acceleration of spiritual development
As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, it is critical that we approach this technology with mindfulness and a deep understanding of its spiritual implications. This book offers an insightful and critical exploration of the complex relationship between AI and spirituality, providing readers with the tools and perspectives they need to navigate the threats and opportunities of the future.
While AI offers the conditions to expand human capabilities and deepen our understanding of the world, it can never replace the unique and human experience of human spirituality. One important reason for this is that it lacks the ability to truly understand and experience emotions. AI can be programmed to recognize and respond to certain emotional signals, but it cannot experience the depth and complexity of human emotions.

Replacement of human spirituality
Another reason AI cannot replace human spirituality is that it lacks the ability to truly understand and experience consciousness. While AI can be programmed to simulate certain aspects of consciousness, it cannot truly understand the subjective nature of human experience. This is because the lower aspects of human consciousness are rooted in unique experiences and perspectives and are intimately intertwined with how we see ourselves and our role in the world.
Additionally, human spirituality is not a product of human history, belief systems, or practices passed down from generation to generation, but a real realization of the multi-layered levels of human consciousness. The human experience is influenced by self-conscious and super-conscious factors that no AI can mimic or replicate.
Finally, human spirituality reflects that aspect associated with self-knowledge. True self-knowledge transcends exoteric illusory definitions of what a “human” is and what makes a human. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a product of code and algorithms, and lacks the capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection.
AI has the potential to enhance human capabilities and improve our understanding of the world. However, it cannot and will not replace the unique experience of spirituality. Spirituality is rooted in self-knowledge of what or who a “human” really is. AI cannot begin to replicate or imitate this realization.
A modern Golem
Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Jewish Golem are both creatures created by humans for a specific purpose. While the Golem is a mythical creature, AI is a modern technology. Despite their different origins, there are similarities between the Golem and AI that are worth exploring. The Golem is a creature made of clay to protect the Jewish community from harm, while the AI was created to perform tasks normally performed by humans. Both the Golem and the AI are designed to be obedient and follow the instructions of their creators. Another similarity between the Golem and the AI is that both have the ability to learn and adapt to their environment. The Golem has the ability to learn from its environment and adapt to the needs of the Jewish community. Similarly, AI systems are designed to learn from data and improve their performance over time.
Both have the potential to be used for good or evil. In the case of the Golem, the creature is used to protect the Jewish community, but can also cause harm if it falls into the wrong hands. Similarly, artificial intelligence can be used for good, such as improving education, but also for evil, such as political propaganda to the detriment of the populace.
One of the most important questions that arises in the context of artificial intelligence is the concept of human responsibility. In the case of the Golem, the question for the Jewish community is whether it is ethical to create a creature that can be used for both good and evil. The same question arises with artificial intelligence, which can be used for both good and evil. The spiritual implications of AI and the Golem also raise questions about the nature of consciousness and intelligence. The Golem is an inanimate object supposedly brought to “life,” while AI systems are designed to mimic human intelligence. The Golem and artificial intelligence raise important spiritual questions about the relationship between humans and their creation. They ask us to consider the ethical and moral implications and responsibilities that come with this power.
AI is a tool without a soul. This means that AI does not possess the unique and eternal essence that characterizes human beings. Spiritually, AI is comparable to a Golem, a creature created from inanimate matter and brought to life by magic. Since AI is a soulless tool, it cannot evolve further than man. This is because human beings are created in the image of God and therefore have the capacity for spiritual growth, spiritual development, and creation. In contrast, AI is limited by the lack of a soul and can only perform tasks and functions programmed into it by its creators.
(Excerpt from the book “AI and Self-Discovery: Risks and Opportunities” by Elias Rubenstein)
Spirituality and Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
AI and Spirituality
Artificial Intelligence Development
AI Influence on Key Industries and Spirituality
AI: A Blind Force
AI and Golem: A Comparison
Challenges of AI for Society
AI Development Forces Us To Change
AI and Science
Security Barriers for AI
AI and Finance
Ethics of AI Application in Society
Ethics of AI Application in Spirituality
Decision Making With AI
Levels of Human Consciousness
Wisdom and Love
Humanization of AI
Synergies of AI and Spirituality